Melodybank 001 by chimpretriever (Monkey+Dog)
Melodybank 001: SsKXJ-79BC (Instinctual Cacophony and The Subconscious Hunt for Instant Porridge) is the first installment in a series of quasi-albums to be released in whenever the hell we have some time to spare again. This "melodybank," and the rest to come after, are collections of sounds and tunes intuitively put together as of subconscious judgement in the moment. All of the album was produced on Garageband, on an iPhone X. We hope you enjoy.
"12 x 12 cm
(DVD case)"
"Monkey+Dog is an explorative
project into the foray of sonic
expression. Intiated by disgruntled,
burnt out creatives Chloe & Nigel Tan."
@chimpretriever (Monkey+Dog)
@tshclo (Chloe)
@nigellekker (Nigel)